
Jared Platt and Organic Bloom Frames | Kansas City Photographer

We recently went to our monthly Kansas City Photographer PUG Group Meeting and had the joy of hearing Jared Platt speak on Photography Workflow in Adobe’s Lightroom Software. He had a workshop here in KC and we were fortunate to have him give us a snippet of wisdom from his awesome workshop at our get together!

On top of that we all got a FREE Organic Bloom frame! Andrea Sooter (from Organic Bloom) sent a shipment of their INCREDIBLE frames to for us to choose from! They have a ton of fun shapes, colors and finishes and they are absolutely great! Check them out at  I am especially excited to put some of my Ever Ashley Photography faves in my frame!

Big shout-out also to Christina Blincoe for always putting together the awesome speakers and meetings and for being such an incredible hostess too! It is a lot of work and she rocks it out!

Here is a fun pic of all of us holding up our awesome Organic Bloom frames (taken by an iPhone4)!

Organic Bloom, Jared Platt, Kansas City Photography Group, Kevin Keith Photography

Here are some close-up photos of the frames (also taken with an iPhone):

If you don’t already go to the KC Photographer PUG Meetings, you should definitely check them out!  Stay tuned for upcoming dates we will post them here on our blog and on our Facebook page at

Stay tuned for more awesome info!

Ashley & Kevin

Kevin Keith Photography

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